La Language as a way of conceiving the world. A proposal for teaching language in Una excursión a los indios ranqueles, by Lucio V. Mansilla


  • Vanina A. Barbeito Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Mariana Morón Usandivaras Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Silvina Peri Universidad de Buenos Aires



Cognitive-Prototypical Approach, Language teaching, Morpheme, Metaphor, Argentine literature


Language and Literature appear in Argentine schools as two disciplines “more or less connected” by the conjunction “and”. However, they usually work as two different disciplines with their respective traditions, their authors, their ways of reading and approaching the language. In this article we carry out a didactic proposal to work on the relationship between language and literature in secondary education based on the analysis of a chapter of Una excursión a los indios ranqueles, by Lucio V. Mansilla. The objective is to lead to exchange situations in which students would problematize, question and elaborate hypotheses and definitions about the uses of the language.

Knowledge and reflection on the grammar of the language in use is a fundamental tool to analyze literary texts in depth and enrich their reading. In the framework of the Cognitive-Prototypical Approach, we propose to review the notions of morpheme as a minimum unit of meaning (De Jonge, 2000) and of a motivated character (Borzi, 2008) and of metaphor as a tool for conceptualization and frequent communication in everyday language and in literature (Lakoff, 1987). These concepts will serve as a basis for investigating the way in which certain words take, in the context of the story (and the context that the narrator describes), a particular meaning.


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How to Cite

Barbeito, V. A., Morón Usandivaras, M., & Peri, S. (2022). La Language as a way of conceiving the world. A proposal for teaching language in Una excursión a los indios ranqueles, by Lucio V. Mansilla. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (18), 93–108.