Überlegungen zum dequeísmo: Verbreitung, Entstehung und Funktion


  • Cornelia Loos University of Texas at Austin




dequeísmo,, queísmo


The present paper presents a survey and critical discussion of selected studies examining dequeísmo. The phenomenon involves the non-canonical insertion of the preposition de with verbs that traditionally do not subcategorisefor de-prepositional objects. First, the socio-geographic distribution of dequeísmo is described, followed by an overview of potential intralinguistic factors guiding the insertion of de. The second part of the paper discusses several hypotheses concerning the emergence and current functions of de que. De is inserted most frequently in verb + object clause contexts and its frequency of occurrence increases when phonological material is present between the matrix verb and the object clause. Dequeísmo occurs more frequently in Latin American Spanish and, from a sociolinguistic perspective, is associated with male rather than female speech. Semanto-pragmatic functions that have been proposed for de que include distancing the speaker from the proposition of the subordinate clause
as well as marking evidentiality. 


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Author Biography

Cornelia Loos, University of Texas at Austin

She received his Phd in Linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin in 2017 and has since joined the Experimental Sign Lab at Göttingen University as a researcher and professor.

Her research interests are grouped around the syntactic-semantic interface. Your fundamental questions that guide syntactic and semantic research on signed languages, for example: What diagnostic tools can we use to determine the limits of clauses? What parts of the discourse can be distinguished in a given sign language and what formal criteria define them? In addition, she is interested in lexical semantics, i.e. answering the question of which aspects of the meaning of a word determine its syntactic behavior.


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Cornelia Loos



How to Cite

Loos, C. (2014). Überlegungen zum dequeísmo: Verbreitung, Entstehung und Funktion. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (4), 80–101. https://doi.org/10.32870/vel.vi4.35