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Exploring the nuances of scientific communication for French-speaking English learners and researchers


  • Stella Anne Achieng University of Southern Brittany



English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, English as a Foreign Language, Scientific communication, Scientific English


As the global scientific landscape continues to embrace English as its lingua franca, the impact of language on the accuracy and comprehension of scientific terminology is becoming increasingly important. This paper explores the relationship between English use and scientific communication accuracy, highlighting challenges non-native (French) English learners face. It considers the nuances that arise from linguistic differences and examines instances where subtle linguistic differences can lead to misinterpretation and misunderstanding in scientific discourse. Based on the experience teaching English for specific purposes to postgraduate students in France, this exploration extends to common linguistic hurdles, highlighting language-specific structures and some cultural influences faced by both students and researchers. Focusing only on the complexities these learners face in science (mathematics, engineering) sheds light on the potential barriers that impede the clear and precise articulation of scientific ideas. The arguments presented seek to demonstrate the impact of English on the interpretation of scientific terms, using real-life examples (classroom activities) to illustrate these challenges, which are commonly faced and affect the teacher's approach to teaching. Finally, the paper argues for a conscientious approach to language use in scientific discourse. Ithighlights the need for research into accommodative approaches that facilitate clearer understanding among researchers, regardless of their linguistic backgrounds.



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Author Biography

Stella Anne Achieng, University of Southern Brittany


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How to Cite

Achieng, S. A. (2025). Exploring the nuances of scientific communication for French-speaking English learners and researchers. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (25), 1–43.