An approach to mitigation in the speech act of invitation in academic discourse
speech act of invitation, academic discourse, communicative situation, mitigationAbstract
In this article, the linguistic mitigating devices used by Spanish university students in the formulation of invitations in the academic environment are studied. The corpus consists of 211 invitations obtained by means of a written questionnaire. The aim of the study is twofold: to describe the attenuating elements in the speech act of invitation, on the one hand, and to determine the influence of the distance in the expression of formal invitations, on the other. The analysis is based on the methodological proposal of the ES.POR.ATENUACIÓN group (Albelda et al., 2014), which provides guidelines for a thorough evaluation of the context and includes a list of possible linguistic and non-linguistic resources of attenuation. In order to validate the results, the tests developed by Villalba (2018) have been applied. The overall results indicate that attenuation is frequent in academic invitations, with distancing in time introduced by manipulation of expression of tense, impersonalisation of the subject and indirectness being the most frequently used strategies. The distance, although it does not play the determining role in the chosen situations of use, influences the utterance of the analysed act: in the invitations addressed to a well-known professor, more relaxed language, and a greater presence of direct ways for making an invitation are observed.
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