German after Spanish and English: The Interlingual Comparison Vocabulary Practice (“IKWA” in German) as a Vocabulary Learning Strategy


  • Julio Medina Universidad de Guadalajara



Third Language Acquisition, Vocabulary Learning, Learning Strategies, Interlingual Comparison.


German in Mexico is usually learned after English, that is, as a second foreign language. For this reason, it can be considered that German learners have some cognitive advantages over those who are learning their first foreign language. Moreover, the fact that German belongs to the same linguistic family as English can facilitate the vocabulary learning process thanks to the similarities that their lexicons share. Given that one of the principles of Third Language Teaching (in German Tertiärsprachendidaktik) promotes the use of the knowledge from both the mother tongue as well as the first foreign language to the learning of an additional language, it can seem reasonable to take advantage of such knowledge to speed up the vocabulary acquisition process. Interlingual Lexical Contrast exercises consist of the explicit comparison of both similarities as well as differences in the spelling of words in the combination: Spanish-English-German.

An empirical research of quantitative nature was carried out to evaluate the effects of this technique during a German intensive summer course at the A1.1 level at the University of Guadalajara. The aim of this research was to determine to what extent this learning technique contributed to increased memorization rates of the new words.


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Julio Medina



How to Cite

Medina, J. (2018). German after Spanish and English: The Interlingual Comparison Vocabulary Practice (“IKWA” in German) as a Vocabulary Learning Strategy. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (11), 114–130.