About the Journal


Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura is an academic journal, in digital version, published by the Modern Languages Department of the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities within the University of Guadalajara and has been conceived as a publication specialized in the study of languages from linguistic, didactic, cultural and related areas. It is published every six months, from January to June and from July to December. It publishes unpublished research and reflection articles as well as reviews and interviews on didactics, linguistics and cultural studies in five languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, without restricting the study of other languages. Verbum et Lingua is the result of institutional cooperation and the joint work of professors and researchers from the University of Guadalajara and recognized national and foreign universities.

Papers submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished and must not have been sent for evaluation to other journals. Papers submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished and must not have been sent for evaluation to other journals. Contributions are received in the above languages. Consult the Editorial Guidelines.  Texts should be sent to the following address: verbum@adminstrativos.udg.mx

DELEM website: http://www.cucsh.udg.mx/presentaciondeptos/departamento_lenguas_modernas


Notification: Continuous Publication


Estimados lectores,

Por este medio les informamos que la revista Verbum et Lingua adoptará, a partir del próximo número 25 (enero-junio 2025), la modalidad de publicación continua. Este cambio permitirá que puedan consultar los artículos de manera gradual, es decir, cada vez que visiten nuestra plataforma encontrarán nuevos artículos publicados, en lugar de esperar al lanzamiento de un paquete completo en cada número, como era nuestra práctica anterior.

Nuestro próximo número estará disponible a partir del 1 de enero de 2025, inaugurado con el artículo "El Español de los Estados Unidos. Parte 2: Perspectivas Educativas", de los autores Dr. Manuel J. Gutiérrez y Dra. Marta Fairclough(University of Houston, E.U.).

Esperamos recibirlos en nuestra página web y contar con su apoyo en nuestras redes sociales para seguir difundiendo nuestro contenido.

Gracias por su atención,
Equipo Editorial de Verbum et Lingua

Read more about Notification: Continuous Publication

Current Issue

No. 24 (12): Verbum et Lingua, año 12, julio-diciembre 2024
					View No. 24 (12): Verbum et Lingua, año 12, julio-diciembre 2024

Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura is the electronic journal of the Department of Modern Languages of the University of Guadalajara. We are pleased to present the twenty-fourth edition in this issue.

The topics covered in this edition are diverse and include contributions from various authors and participants from different universities in Mexico and around the world, with some publications in languages other than Spanish. The scientific articles in this issue analyze the current and contextualized panorama of the role of modern languages in Mexico, investigate the practices and beliefs of teachers, students, and researchers, and reflect deeply on what happens in the second language classroom, among other topics.

This issue features publications by colleagues from the University of Houston (USA), the University of San Buenaventura (Colombia), the University of Rennes 2 (France), the Autonomous University of Baja California (Mexico), The Anglo Foundation (Mexico), the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), and the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Mexico).

We invite you to read the articles in this issue and to submit your contributions for future issues.

Published: 2024-06-30
View All Issues

Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura is an academic journal, in digital version, published by the Department of Modern Languages of the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Guadalajara and has been conceived as a publication specialized in the study of languages from linguistic, didactic, cultural and related areas. It is published every six months, from January to June and from July to December, and publishes unpublished research and reflection articles as well as reviews and interviews on didactics, linguistics and cultural studies in five languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, without restricting the study of other languages. Verbum et Lingua is the result of institutional cooperation and the joint work of professors and researchers from the University of Guadalajara and recognized national and foreign universities.

Papers submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished and must not have been sent for evaluation to other journals. Consult the Editorial Norms. Collaborations are received in the languages mentioned. Texts should be sent to the following address: verbum.udg@gmail.com

DELEM website: http://www.cucsh.udg.mx/presentaciondeptos/departamento_lenguas_modernas