Cruel games to survive the war. An hermeneutic approach to the novel The Great Notebook by Agota Kristof


  • Andrea Peña Universidad Nacional Atónoma de México
  • Elizabeth Eysais Universidad Nacional Atónoma de México
  • Karina Sánchez Universidad Nacional Atónoma de México



Mimesis, Paul Ricœur, game, The Great Notebook, Agota Kristof


This article analyses The Great Notebook by Agota Kristof from the hermeneutics of the philosopher Paul Ricœur. Firstly, we will explain the elements referring pre-understanding as it is proposed by the French writer in Time and Narrative, later to be used with the theoretical frame of the game, to analyze the immersion of the twins in a warlike situation. Afterwards, we have to examine the practical understanding which Ricœur explains in mimesis II to emphasize an appropriation of the game from its interdisciplinarity proposed by Michel Picard. Resulting in a cruel game configured as an adaptation tool in a sham of reality. Finally, we will determine how the third hermeneutic phase works according to the philosopher and why it can be considered that post-understanding produces a special significance of the game practiced by the twins as a survival method.


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Andrea Peña, Elizabeth Eysais y Karina Sánchez



How to Cite

Peña, A., Eysais, E., & Sánchez, K. (2017). Cruel games to survive the war. An hermeneutic approach to the novel The Great Notebook by Agota Kristof. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (10), 103–117.