El cuerpo femenino, violencia sexual y la dictadura en Argentina y Austria


  • Ana Nenadovic Universidad de Viena - Universidad de Bania Luka




Dictatorship, sexual violence,, subalternity


This article aims to analyse four literary works situated during the dictatorships in Argentina and Austria (Cambio de armas by Luisa Valenzuela, A veinte años Luz by Elsa Osorio, Rechnitz by Elfriede Jelinek and Die Hochzeit von Auschwitz by Erich Hackl) focusing on women’s position, the reduction to their bodies and the frequent abuse by soldiers in order to emphasize the particular
female dangers in oppressive regimes. Furthermore, it postulates that sexual violence constitutes, for men, a proof of their own supremacy over women, that women are deprived of their voice and therefore victimized. It concludes that military dictatorship, based on patriarchal systems, leads to the total oppression of women.


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Ana Nenadovic



How to Cite

Nenadovic, A. (2015). El cuerpo femenino, violencia sexual y la dictadura en Argentina y Austria. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (6), 56–67. https://doi.org/10.32870/vel.vi6.53