La traducción de textos especializados. Análisis correlacional de la subcompetencia instrumental y extralingüística en estudiantes de posgrado
traductología, traducción especializada, competencia traductoraAbstract
Abstract: This research report, from an empirical-experimental nature has two aims: the first consists of identifying the level of relationship between instrumental subcompetence (IS) and extralinguistic subcompetence (ES), both from PACTE’s (2017) holistic model of translation competence (TC), in different specialized texts translated by postgraduate students. The second objective focuses on recording and analyzing the documentation process made by a group of fifteen translation students from the Postgraduate degree in Translation and Interpreting at AUBC. This record was carried out through four translation exercises of various topics such as legal and technical-scientific translation. This leads to the resolution of two questions that guide this research: 1) what type of evaluation exists between the IS and the ES in specialized texts translation? and 2) what is the translation process for students of the postgraduate program in translation? In the same way, the correlation of variables was performed through the Pearson Coefficient, and the procedural analysis and use of tools for documentation and computer-assisted translation through Translog II. Results indicate that students with deficiencies in the development of the ES correct this subcompetence through the management of documentation tools (where the IPS is located).
Keywords: translation studies, specialized translation, translation competence
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