Interpreting Studies: an interdisciplinary approach
Interpreting Studies, Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism, Corpus Linguistics, Applied LinguisticsAbstract
Cross-lingustic interpretation has been a key part for human development, as well for the relations among our peers. Nonetheless, research about interpreting has not yet gained much interest despite being a practice that could be studied from different perspectives which, in turn, could help understand phenomena related only and solely to interpreting between two languages, as well as phenomena shared with other communicative practices where other language different from the mother language is implied. This paper presents the theoretical basis of a doctoral project inquiring about the use and representation of Spanish and English as working languages during two interpreting practices carried out by interpreting students. In addition, a brief explanation of the methodology is presented, as well as some conclusions, specifically the evidence of cross-linguistic priming during interpreting, that allow a dialogue between different disciplines such as Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism, and Corpus Linguistics.
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