New derivations with the adverbial marker -mente: The case of enrealidadmente


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Spanish, grammar, lexicalization, -mente adverbs, enrealidadmente


This grammatical note describes a new lexical derivation in current Spanish, the “adverb” enrealidadmente, recorded in colloquial speech since the 70s of the 20th century like a lexicalized idiomatic expression. The interest in this type of forms is double in the grammar of Spanish, since it exemplify a case of extension of the element -mente to other categories other than the adjective and, in addition, it appears preceded by a preposition. After the characterization of the bases (en realidad and realmente) and the review of its documentation, a series of theoretical considerations on adverbs in -mente, word crossing or blending, analogy process, lexicalization and vernacular universals is presented, which help us to understand a little better this new formation.


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Verbum 21 Enrique Pato



How to Cite

Pato, E. (2022). New derivations with the adverbial marker -mente: The case of enrealidadmente. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (21), 7–19.