Subtitling as a Tool in ESP Teaching


  • admin admin Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
  • Jorge Manuel Elenes Lizarraga Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México



Foreign language, Audiovisual translation, Subtitling, Grammar-translation method


Teaching of applied technology currently shows its educational potential in the translation classroom (Torres del Rey, 2005). However, it has not only opened its space in the teaching of translation, but also permeates the Foreign Language classroom, where the grammar-translation teaching method (GTM) coexists with other approaches and shows its usefulness. The latent need to learn English, has led to the implementation of various teaching methods in L2, and one of the first was GTM according to Malmkjær (2010). The present action research aims to offer a proposal where audiovisual material provides a tool in L2 learning.

The present study seeks to make visible the benefits of English-Spanish subtitling in the acquisition of new lexicon by students in the English program at the Facultad de Ciencias del Mar (Facimar, of the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa). In addition, GTM is explored in the practice of grammatical tenses and oral comprehension. The results of the experiment show that: first, undergraduate students favor the use of subtitled audiovisual materials. Second, the use of audiovisual products with subtitles had an impact on the acquisition of new vocabulary, improved oral comprehension, and even favored the practice of grammatical tenses. Finally, audio-visual media with subtitles offer the learner, with a basic level in L2, a greater sense of confidence, which allows him/her to establish better connections between L1 and L2 during the learning process.


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How to Cite

Cortez Godínez, J., & Elenes Lizarraga, J. M. (2022). Subtitling as a Tool in ESP Teaching. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (20), 109–131.