Syntactic adaptation of Spanish loan verbs in San Pablo Güilá Zapotec into auxiliary verb constructions.


  • Mariana Itzel Calderón Corona Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Francisco Arellanes Arellanes Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Loan verbs, San Pablo Güilá Zapotec, Spanish, Agentive and unagentive constructions


SPGZ, as other Zapotec languages, accommodates Spanish loan verbs into constructions that take a native auxiliary verb (ùn ~ è›n? ‘do’ or àk ‘become’) followed by the subject and an uninflected lexical loan verb. This paper, in its main section, describes the morphosyntax of loan verbs and of the native verb that appears with them, focusing on inflectional properties (nominal and verbal), constituency tests (constituents order, preposing and nominal modification), and cooccurrence with a “second” object. It also presents evidence revealing that the choice of one of the two auxiliaries is independent of the loan with verb it appears with but is related to the clause's voice: ùn for active clauses expressing agentive subjects and àk for unactive clauses expressing patientive subjects. In this way, this paper shows that loan verb constructions of SPGZ are expressed in a construction build by a NATIVE AUXILIARY VERB + SUBJECT + LEXICAL LOAN VERB (+ OBJECT), in which the loan is a verb.


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How to Cite

Calderón Corona, M. I., & Arellanes Arellanes, F. (2022). Syntactic adaptation of Spanish loan verbs in San Pablo Güilá Zapotec into auxiliary verb constructions. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (19), 95–115.