Spanish as second and foreign language through Internet: the case of the literacy courses for migrants and refugees at Udelar


  • Cecilia Torres Rippa Universidad de la República



Spanish as a Second and Foreign Language, Spanish courses for migrants and refugees, Literacy practices, Flipped classroom


This article is concerned with the progress made in teaching online courses ofSpanish as a second and foreign language for migrants and refugeesorganizedby the Foreign Languages Center of the School of Humanities and Educational Sciences (University of the Republic of Uruguay),using a flipped classroom approach. Specifically, this paper seeks to provide an overview of the decisions made and the design of each proposalfor classwork in this area, where students are provided with the support they need to acquire literacy skills in Spanish according to their needs and future academic goals. This educational initiative arises from the request of various students who needed to develop their reading and writing skills, since crash coursesfor migrants and refugees generally focus on the development of speaking skills. Once these courseshave finished, studentscannot find a specificcoursethat will provide them with an insight into the most common literacy practicesin thehost community, therefore, they might encounter some difficulties arising from the role played by these practices in the community. With this in mind, as of 2020, literacy training courses have been designed to support students who wish to improve their reading and writing skills. 


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How to Cite

Torres Rippa, C. (2022). Spanish as second and foreign language through Internet: the case of the literacy courses for migrants and refugees at Udelar. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (18), 162–175.