Promotion of the teaching of the language of the white cane to road users in the city of yaounde


  • Martial Patrice Amougou Institut National de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Yaoundé
  • Danielle Effa Oyono Institut National de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Yaoundé



Blind, Didactic, Language, Visually impaired, Inclusive society


The Cameroonian government, in tune with the international community, is working to promote an inclusive society, through the mentoring and promotion of the blind and visually impaired. However, it is a pitty that these people remain marginalized, misunderstood by others, making any form of interaction between them difficult. Hence the interest of this work, which aims to a reflection on the promotion of the appropriation by road users of the city of Yaoundé, of the language of the blind and visually impaired for better daily interaction within the framework of their mobility. This work was carried out thanks to observation, interviews, questionnaire survey and documentary research, the results of which show that the mobility of the visually impaired is not easy because of backward behavior and lack of interest from able-bodied people. Proposals for better synergy have been made.


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How to Cite

Amougou, M. P., & Effa Oyono, D. (2022). Promotion of the teaching of the language of the white cane to road users in the city of yaounde. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (18), 129–143.