El The German-language exile and the reception of the Holocaust in Mexico: The case of “Tribuna Israelita” (1944-1947)


  • Andrea Acle-Kreysing Universidad de Leipzig




German speaking exile in Mexico, Mexican Jewish community, Holocaus, Second World War, racism.


This article explores the contribution of “Alemania Libre” (Bewegung Freies Deutschland), the most significant organisation of the German communist exile in Mexico during the Second World War, in creating awareness of the crimes committed by Nazism against the Jewish people. It focuses upon the collaboration between German speaking exiles and the Mexican Jewish community, which crystallised in the publication of the first number of “Tribuna Israelita” in December 1944. This monthly journal achieved an exceptional feat, insofar it gave voice to a variety of agendas: in favour of the Soviet Union, but also in support of the creation of the State of Israel in Palestina, while expressing the local Jewish community’s desire of belonging to Mexico. Special attention is given to how the discussion of the Holocaust between 1944 and 1947, the period in which the editorial line of Tribuna Israelita were in the hands of German speaking exiles, gave way to deeper reflections upon anti-Semitism and racism, not only in Europe but also in Mexico.


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Author Biography

Andrea Acle-Kreysing, Universidad de Leipzig

Andrea Acle-Kreysing es profesora del Instituto de Estudios Globales y Europeos de la Universidad de Leipzig. CV: Becario postdoctoral de la Fundación Alexander von Humboldt en las universidades de Munich y Leipzig (2013-2018), profesor invitado en la Universidad de Munich (2012-2013), doctor en español en la Universidad de Cambridge (2007-2011), Mphil in Political Thought and Intellectual History at the University of Cambridge, Reino Unido (2006-2007), & BA in International Relations at El Colegio de México, México (2000-2004).


Archivos consultados

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Andrea Acle-Kreysing



How to Cite

Acle-Kreysing, A. (2018). El The German-language exile and the reception of the Holocaust in Mexico: The case of “Tribuna Israelita” (1944-1947). Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (12), 83–99. https://doi.org/10.32870/vel.vi12.114