About the Journal

Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura is a biannual electronic journal published by the Department of Modern Languages of the University of Guadalajara. Its main objective is to publish unpublished research articles, reviews and interviews on didactics, linguistics and (inter)cultural studies written by national and international specialists, researchers and academics. The target audience is any individual who is interested in knowledge, research, language and cultural aspects.


Papers submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished and must not have been submitted to other journals for evaluation. Papers should contain the following information: a) title of the paper, b) name and surname of the author, c) name of the institution to which he or she belongs, d) e-mail address where additional information can be requested or any questions asked. Collaborations are received in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Texts should be sent to the following address: verbum.udg@gmail.com


It is stated that the journal ensures that no more than 25% of the articles in each issue come from authors attached to the University of Guadalajara.

Once the Editorial Committee verifies that the collaborations meet the basic requirements of the journal, then the texts will be sent to external peers at the University of Guadalajara for evaluation. The articles will be evaluated according to criteria of relevance, originality, investigative rigor and unpublished character. The peer reviewers may accept without modifications, accept with minor modifications, accept with major modifications or reject the proposed articles. The journal will notify the authors of the decision of the Editorial Committee by email in all cases.

If the article is accepted with changes, the author has a period of two weeks to submit the new version with the modifications indicated by the evaluators.

Once the article is accepted, the authors must sign a letter of authorization to the journal Verbum et Lingua: Didactics, language and culture, by which they will transfer the publication rights of their articles to the journal.