The figure of the mediator between different societies with sciences, technologies or technosciences
mediator, appropriation of knowledge, political philosophy of science, social innovation.Abstract
For a Society with democratic aspiration in the context of the so-called knowledge Society, it is necessary to build a culture of science, technology and technosciences, and achieve epistemic equity. For this, it is essential that each of the spheres of society participate in the reflection about the nature of science and technology, about importance, effects and, in making decisions about the best way to take advantage of that knowledge, for societies and for nature. Communications plays a fundamental role through dissemination and disclosure, however, it is necessary to advance in a different way and with a greater scope, hence the proposal of the figure of the mediator which has a bidirectional function between the different societies or social groups and scientists and technologists, through institutions with the primary idea of jointly finding solutions to local problems. The structure of the text consists of three sections: the first on the social appropriation of the knowledge necessary for the inclusion of society in the use of science and technology; the second section deals with the figure of the mediator as a proposal for social innovation that can contribute to citizen participation and appropriation of knowledge; the last part is aimed at justifying the important role of the political philosophy of science for the achievement of a culture in science, technology and technosciences, and an epistemic equity in societies, since this discipline contribute to reflection and the creation of the necessary public policies.References
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