Narrativity, horizontality and situated knowledge as vindicatory methodologies of female knowledge: the voices of wixaritari women
Migration, ancestral knowledge, re-existence, feminist epistemology.Abstract
The article describes the research process that allowed us to approach the life experiences of three wixaritari women who left their family and community contexts to study in the city and who now participate in different ways in their communities. The research explores and narrates the ways of re-existing that arise from the encounter between both cultures, as well as the relationships, breaks, tensions and negotiations that are woven in the lives of these women and in their interactions with their families of origin, with their ancestors, with 'the custom', with their partners, with their communities, as well as the inter-cultural relationships that they build. From the analysis of these ways of re-existing and the multiple and diverse relationships that are woven, ancestral wisdom and knowledge are revealed and the various ways of transmitting them, of affirming their culture and of incorporating different ways of 'being-being' in the world. Finally, the research is approached through two metaphors: the process as a migration path and the voices of the participants as a fabric that gives body and links female knowledge.References
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