Transhumanism and the postmodern social imaginary. The scientific eschatology that announces the end of the human species and the hypothetical genesis of the gene tribes


  • Fabian Acosta Rico Colegio de Jalisco



eugenics, posthuman, transhumanism, introgenesis, artificial intelligence , exogenesis


This work describes some of the philosophers and anthropological's predictions that have been raised about the future of the human race. Many have imagined that recent advances in biotechnology will provide the opportunities and benefits humans in health and physical improvement. Where some futurists and transhumanists envision an induced evolutionary leap; other minds, more pessimistic, predict the disappearance of the species and the beginning of genetic tribes. Mythology, science fiction and pop culture, in general, have been speculated about these ideas; it's contributions to the discussion also make a brief summary; to the extent that the visions of these cultural events are often anticipated the early tomorrow. I do not pretend to predict the future; but if to clarify that the techno-scientific progress oriented towards eugenics can intermittently and simultaneously follow the guidelines of the dictates of the market or the economy or be subject to the equal economic, political and even military interests of the governments as it happened, for example, with the totalitarians, of a fascist nature, and with the current democracies of a capitalist nature. Finally, in the work it is pointed out that there is a philosophical school, Transhumanism that seeks to give an orientation to said progress, attending precisely to the guidelines of a new more existential and less essentialist humanism.

Author Biography

Fabian Acosta Rico, Colegio de Jalisco

Doctor en Antropología Social. Investigador del Colegio de Jalisco. Inscrito al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.


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How to Cite

Acosta Rico, Fabián. 2023. “Transhumanism and the Postmodern Social Imaginary. The Scientific Eschatology That Announces the End of the Human Species and the Hypothetical Genesis of the Gene Tribes”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 26 (September):342-67.