On freedom today. Neo-authoritarianism and neoliberalism in light of the pandemic


  • Emiliano Gambarotta CONICET, IDAES-UNSAM




democracy, political bonds, constellation, abstract freedom, concrete freedom


The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a crisis not only for human health but also for political culture, the latter expressed, among other ways, in the protests that, in the name of freedom, emerged in opposition to various health measures. In light of this phenomenon, one objective of this paper is to analyze the category of “freedom”; specifically, its use by the neoliberal ethos, in the first section, and by the neo-authoritarian ethos, in the second. The paper argues that these contrasting uses underlie those protests, while simultaneously acquiring a growing protagonism in current political culture. In this context, the second aim –developed in the third section– is to propose an alternative perception of freedom, one that aspires to turn out to be useless for the goals of both of these anti-democratic ethos.


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How to Cite

Gambarotta, Emiliano. 2023. “On Freedom Today. Neo-Authoritarianism and Neoliberalism in Light of the Pandemic”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 25 (March):69-97. https://doi.org/10.55555/IS.25.498.



Theoretical Reflections