The emotional dimension in the exercise of power: a theoretical discussion


  • Edith Kuri Pineda Universidad Autónoma Metropoltiana



emotions, power, social stratification, social rules


In this paper, a theoretical problematization is developed about the emotional dimension of power, specifically, what role do feelings play in the social relations of power and domination. Based on the review of authors from the sociology of emotions, political sociology, and political philosophy, I will affirm how emotions not only have an expressive character, but also a normative and instrumental character in the constitution and reproduction of power relationships at various scales, as well as in social stratification. Based on the theoretical proposal of Arlie Hochschild, I will exposed how what I have defined as feeling rules of domination and obedience occupy a relevant place in the social ties of command-obedience. Likewise, I will postulate how the subordinate carry out a work of emotional elaboration in the face of the impossibility of breaking power relations. Finally, it considers how feelings such as disgust and contempt can serve to legitimize inequality and the power exercised, and, in some cases, make them invisible.


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How to Cite

Kuri Pineda, Edith. 2023. “The Emotional Dimension in the Exercise of Power: A Theoretical Discussion”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 26 (September):35-64.