The socio-juridical construction of the culture of peace and restorative justice in Mexico. Critical analysis and viable proposals for implementation


  • Saul Adolfo Lamas Meza Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit.
  • Irina Graciela Cervantes Bravo Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, SNI I, México.



culture of peace, restorative justice, social paradigm, alternative justice.


The objective of this article is to analyze the ontological process and permeability that the culture of peace has shown in the idiosyncrasy of the Mexican people during the implementation of restorative justice in its legal, political, and social systems. The social context and conjunctural climate in which the restorative paradigm has been progressively implemented in Mexican legal culture is examined, accompanied by a critical analysis of existing contradictions among certain juridical figures in national legislation, the latter remnants of the preceding inquisitive system which was remunerative in nature. Finally, a series of factual and juridical proposals for the viable implementation of this system are proposed to strengthen the new restorative ideology that authorities in Mexico intend to incorporate in support of the long-awaited culture of peace.

Author Biography

Irina Graciela Cervantes Bravo, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, SNI I, México.

PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. Postdoctoral stay Fordham University, New York, United States.


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How to Cite

Lamas Meza, Saul Adolfo, and Irina Graciela Cervantes Bravo. 2023. “The Socio-Juridical Construction of the Culture of Peace and Restorative Justice in Mexico. Critical Analysis and Viable Proposals for Implementation”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 25 (March):9-30.



Theoretical Reflections