Therapy and complexity. A proposal for a new line of research




terapia compleja, salud, vida, investigación


This paper proposes a type of therapy called “complex”, which does not exist to date. While there are numerous links between complexity and the life and health sciences, as well as broad interplay between complexity and the social and human sciences, no dialogue on, much less any development of, the relationship between therapy and complexity exists. This paper argues that a complex therapy enhances the development of health and life by shifting the focus away from problems, illness, and limitations. After a brief review of the general panorama of therapies, complex therapy is outlined based on three main features. The article ends with some open-ended conclusions.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Maldonado, Universidad El Bosque

Profesor TitularFacultad de MedicinaUniversidad El Bosque


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How to Cite

Maldonado, Carlos Eduardo. 2023. “Therapy and Complexity. A Proposal for a New Line of Research”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 25 (March):99-113.



Theoretical Reflections