Tendencies toward precarious work among wage-earning young people and adults in Mexico, 1995-2019
precarious employment, youth, labor transition, employmentAbstract
Young wage-workers in Mexico face more precarious employment conditions than adult wage-earners. Precarious jobs are those defined as uncertain, risky, and unpredictable for workers. From 1995 to 2019, Mexico’s labor market underwent several transformations and was impacted by three economic crises, generating the questions of how the trajectory of young workers has differed from that of their adult counterparts and how economic growth has differentially affected the labor precarity of these two age groups. Data to answer these questions are from the National Employment Census (Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, ENE, 1994-2004) and National Occupation and Employment Census (Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo, ENOE, 2005-2019), administered by the INEGI. A ‘precarious employment index’ is calculated for each year for the young and adult groups of wage-earners. The elasticity of this index due to an increase in real GDP is also estimated for both groups. Differences by sex and level of education are explored throughout the analysis.References
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