Co-management in Volkswagen-AG. Effects on a subsidiary


  • José Antonio Espinal Betanzo Universidad de Guanajuato



co-management, corporate structure, winning strategy, factory citizenship, labour condition


This essay analyzes the principal characteristics of the VW-AG’s corporate structure and its effects on working conditions at its Mexican subsidiary. The main thesis is that the representatives of German workers in the company’s governing bodies influence factory citizenship in the Mexican installations through a process that begins with a dialogue between trade unionists in both countries that IG Metall promotes in the corporate structure, and whose decisions are operationalized at the local level. The profit strategies adopted by management, chosen by its decision-making bodies, have impacted the bridges of cooperation between the corporation’s different labor unions. The analysis of the relations between the productive and labor spheres and the articulation between the international and local domains form the central contribution of the paper. Research included reviewing German labor legislation, official documents from the transnational corporation, collective labor contracts, and the union statutes at the factory in Puebla, as well as interviews with Mexican and German trade unionists.

Author Biography

José Antonio Espinal Betanzo, Universidad de Guanajuato

Doctor en sociología por El Colegio de México. Actualmente profesor de la Universidad de Guanajuato. Sus áreas de interés: industria automotriz, innovación tecnológica y condiciones laborales.


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How to Cite

Espinal Betanzo, José Antonio. 2022. “Co-Management in Volkswagen-AG. Effects on a Subsidiary”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 24 (September):265-96.



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