Design as an interdisciplinary necessity. An approach from the academy




interdisciplinary, design, epistemology, design theory, human centered design


Design theory suggests that the designed products affect or lead users to a desired behavior during their interaction and life of the designed appliance. From this idea, it is important to formulate new questions about design education, in other words, it is necessary to bring a new approach to design education from an interdisciplinary point of view, which allow us to understand the users behavior based on that artifact, considering the responsibility of the designer and design education, and the creation process as well. One of the main challenges that design has is not only to have an adequate methodology to develop new artifacts such as graphic, industrial, textile, architectural or others, since it is a common knowledge that one of the main tools used by designers is the intuition and inspiration, elements that by themselves do not offer any promise of results, concepts or possible measurements, but on the contrary, open the way to uncertainty and subjective positions from the designer. If we allow us to understand Design and its instruction from other knowledge fields, and at the time, improve its own methodologies and creation process, it’s possible to obtain not only new work tools which can reduce the inspiration process and nourish the intuition with informed knowledge, and having a better approximation, understanding and communication with the user of the designed artifacts, and promoting better ways to satisfy their possible needs.

Author Biography

Carlos García Arano, Universidad La Salle, AC.

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How to Cite

García Arano, Carlos. 2020. “Design As an Interdisciplinary Necessity. An Approach from the Academy”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 20 (September):77-102.



Theoretical Reflections