Between domination and resistance: a reflection in historical perspective about the possibilities of global justice


  • Zenorina Gadalupe Díaz Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur



The present article proposes a reflection about the possibilities of global justice for the contemporary societies. From the systemic perspective developed by Immanuel Wallerstein, an analysis of the logic of domination that has operated in the world-system throughout modernity is made, as well as the movements of resistance to it. The exploration of both poles derives more than in an exact answer; it derives in the recognition of the main threats that afflict the global society, but also in the desirable possibilities that it opens, particularly from the consideration of the meaning of the historical struggle for justice that have undertaken the anti-systemic movements.

Author Biography

Zenorina Gadalupe Díaz Gómez, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur

Profesora investigadora del departamento de humanidades.


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How to Cite

Díaz Gómez, Zenorina Gadalupe. 2021. “Between Domination and Resistance: A Reflection in Historical Perspective about the Possibilities of Global Justice”. Intersticios Sociales, no. 20 (February):103-27.



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