The Right to Disconnect: Influence on Competitiveness, Productivity and Creativity



Palabras clave:

The Right to disconnect, free time, Telework; , COVID-19


This research aims to determine which variables and factors are obtained as benefits or advantages of the observance of the right to disconnect law and whether it will influence labor and educational competitiveness. Initially, existing literature was reviewed, and an own elaboration instrument was applied to 73 sample subjects. The found result was the need for recognition and awareness of organizations to respect the obligation of the right to disconnect to generate work and academic independence of workers, teachers, and students to take advantage of the free time of these people in order to improve their social relationships and strengthen their knowledge to perfect their work and increase their job and educational competitiveness.

Biografía del autor/a

Werner Horacio Varela-Castro, PTC Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Licenciado en Economía

María de los Angeles Briceño-Santacruz, Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila

Ingeniero en Sistemas de Programación

María Olivia Castro-Solano, Universidad Veracruzana

Contador Publico 


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Cómo citar

Varela-Castro, W. H., Briceño-Santacruz, M. de los A., & Castro-Solano, M. O. (2022). The Right to Disconnect: Influence on Competitiveness, Productivity and Creativity. Mercados Y Negocios, (46), 5–30.