About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Mercados y Negocios (MyN) aims to disseminate and encourage the discussion of the results and advances in research dealing with international markets and business as phenomena of the study of competitiveness.

Mercados y Negocios is a quarterly publication with anonymous international peer review. The estimated time between the reception of a paper and its publication is three months (estimated time). Papers submitted are expected to be at the leading edge of knowledge.

Mercados y Negocios does not charge authors submission or publication fees (no APC or Article Processing Charges) and accepts papers in English.

Mercados y Negocios adheres to the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practices. https://www.um.es/ead/red/etica_cope.pdf

Peer Review Process

Approval of a paper for publication

Two or more national or foreign researchers, preferably outside the University of Guadalajara, evaluate submissions with related studies (double-blind peer review).

The papers' publication will depend on two approving opinions and the fulfilment of the conditions indicated by the referees. The referees may re-evaluate a paper with a conditional decision before being approved for publication.

All rejections are based on the same rules as approvals, and these will be communicated to the authors to provide feedback on their study and contribute to their research progress.

The referee can review any rejected paper on two additional occasions, provided that the author complies with the refereeing body's observations.

The estimated time from submission to publication is three months.

Parameters for the publication of papers:

The papers are evaluated for their relevance to the topic, originality (preferably Turnitin), degree of congruence, identification of the object of study, robustness of the theoretical framework, research method, advances and/or conclusions, scope and limitations.

Revision process

The evaluation process consists of two stages.

a) A first reading by the co-editors and members of the Editorial Board to verify that the proposed study is unpublished, congruent with the journal's editorial line and that it is according to the guidelines for contributions.

b) In the case of complying with the above, two experts are selected (the second stage in which the Scientific Advisory Committee intervenes) who have published in the last five years at least three papers in line with the document to be evaluated and who also have related research projects. They can propose the decision:

To publish with suggestions

To publish with modifications

Not to publish

c) The Scientific Advisory Committee will resolve disputes arising during the evaluation process before the results are communicated to the authors. However, the author will have the right to reply if it is backed by the advances in knowledge and methodology corresponding to the phenomenon under study.

d) The author will receive all suggestions for compliance. They must submit a new version of the work and a letter describing the changes and improvements made based on the reviewer's modifications.

Regarding papers approved after being evaluated:

If the paper was approved only with minor suggestions, then the Editorial Board will decide on its publication based on the new version and the responses. The Editorial Board will determine the MyN issue in which the paper will appear.

The reviewers must review the new version and approve publication if the paper requires substantive changes. Without this approval, the Editorial Board cannot determine the issue in which the paper will be published.

A revised manuscript may be considered for publication, subject to the inclusion of changes. It must be corrected and returned by the authors of the journal within fifteen days, the required changes being both major or minor. The new version will be sent again to the external reviewers if necessary. This process will continue until the journal finally accepts or rejects the paper. Authors will be provided with the reviewers' evaluation reports so they can (if necessary) make corrections. If the work is publishable but requires minor changes, these will be made by the editorial board in contact with the author. However, they may also be returned to the author so that they can change the details that the Editorial Board may consider necessary.

Principle of anonymity

Throughout the process, anonymity will be maintained between referees and authors. This is the responsibility of the editors, the Editorial Board, and the scientific advisory committee. The MyN journal has three editors: the leading Editor and two co-editors.

The co-editors will be responsible for ensuring that the referees and authors are not close collaborators and that, preferably, the reviewers correspond to a region different from that of the authors. The latter condition contributes to the internationalisation of the journal and the evaluators’ contributions.

The maximum period for communicating the approval in the first stage and continuing with the arbitration process is one week from the date the reception communication is issued. The maximum period for transmitting the resolution derived from the arbitration process is sixty days from the date the evaluators were assigned to the work.

Implications of papers reception

The reception of a paper does not mean it is committed to its publication on the part of the journal.

Once a paper is published in Mercados y Negocios, it may be reproduced in any other media and languages as long as it is indicated that it was first published in Mercados y Negocios.

The editors will make the style modifications they deem pertinent.

By submitting their articles, the authors guarantee the originality of their contents and authorize the Universidad de Guadalajara to print and/or electronically publish them, following the applicable international laws.

Authors maintain the authorship rights of their works published in Mercados y Negocios.

Authors may reproduce or disseminate the accepted article(s) for academic, cultural, and dissemination purposes.

Authors are responsible for ensuring respect for copyright laws or any industrial property rights in the content of their articles (quotes, images, photographs, etc.), as well as for obtaining when required, the necessary permissions or authorizations for the inclusion of hyperlinks (access to "linked sites").

Frequency of publication

Mercados y Negocios is a four-monthly journal published on the first days of January, May, and September. We welcome contributions from the scientific community on papers related to markets and business.

Mercados y Negocios does not charge authors a fee for submitting their manuscripts or publishing articles (no APC—Article Processing Charges).

Open access policy

Mercados y Negocios provides immediate open access to its content, aiming to offer the public free access to research and allow a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Policy for the preservation of archives

Mercados y Negocios assigns articles published in the journal a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). For digital preservation, articles are archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), thus guaranteeing the journal a permanent and secure archive.

Article Evaluation Form

Title. It should clearly and precisely express the phenomenon under study.





Abstract. This includes the article's objective, its method, the most important results, and the main conclusion. The objective included in this section should be congruent with the title.





Tables, graphs, and images. They should be self-explanatory, numbered, have a title congruent with their content, indicate the source, and be an explanatory support for the development of the article.





Clarity and precision. The wording should be precise, and concepts should be used with precision, particularly in the case of those that are polysemic. Colloquial language, pleonasms, and tautology should be avoided.





Congruence. The development of the article follows the phenomenon described in the title and agreement with the stated objective. There is a common logical thread throughout the work that justifies both the order and the content of each paragraph.





Theoretical framework. The structure and content of the work allow the explanation of the phenomenon stated in the title of the work, the selection of the theoretical body is at the leading edge of knowledge, and the opinions expressed by third parties are differentiated from those of the article's author.





Methodology. The hypothesis, objective, and research methodology are congruent. The methodology includes a theoretical-methodological discussion congruent with the studied phenomenon. The description allows third parties to carry out similar research and shows the study's limitations, scope, and implications.





Results. The author’s methodology is used to derive the results presented clearly to facilitate analysis and discussion. Third-party works' results are also included for study and debate.





Conclusions. They are derived from the analysis and discussion of the results; they are brief and congruent with the objective stated by the author at the beginning of the article.





Evaluator's decision

 This will be published with minor changes at the author's discretion.

 To be published under the condition that the author introduces indicated modifications.

 A second evaluation will be required once the modifications have been made.

 Rejected, the paper is considered non-publishable

Modifications suggested by the evaluator:


 Form for the evaluation of book reviews

The work reviewed follows the editorial line of Mercados y Negocios.

Yes, it is by the editorial line.

No, it is not by the editorial line.

Is the objective of the work reviewed clearly shown? Also, has the scope of this objective been assessed?

Yes, the objective of the work is shown, and an evaluation of its scope is made.

Yes, the objective of the work is shown, but no assessment of the scope of the work is made.

Unfortunately, the objective of the work is not shown, so its scope has not been assessed.

The book review shows the work's structure and evaluates its contents' logical sequence.

Yes, the review shows the work's structure and evaluates its contents' logical sequence.

Yes, the review shows the structure of the work, but it does not evaluate the logical sequence of its contents.

No, the review does not show the structure of the work and, therefore, does not assess the logical sequence of its contents.

Is the writing clear and precise?

Yes, the writing is clear and precise.

Not sufficiently, the writing is slightly flawed.

No, the writing lacks clarity and precision.

Does the review contain citations and references in APA format?

Yes, the review contains citations and references in APA format.

Yes, the review contains citations and references, but not in APA format.

No, the review does not contain citations and references.

Does the reviewer consider that the review contains a critical analysis of the work?

Yes, it is a review with critical analysis.

No, it is a review that lacks a critical analysis.

Observations or comments


The evaluator suggests:

Publish the review.

Publish the review after modifying it.

Do not publish the review.

Errata and retraction

Errata are corrections of errors identified in an article or other type of document already published. The publication of an erratum is necessary when the author(s) of the article, the editor, or the readers identify one or more errors in the published article.

Mercados y Negocios takes the time to inform us about eventual corrections to the indexes in which it is included. The same applies to partial or total retraction of an article's content.


History of the review

Mercados y Negocios is a research review whose objective is to disseminate and encourage the discussion of results and advances in research that deal with international business, marketing, or competitiveness as phenomena of study.

Mercados y Negocios is edited by the Department of Marketing and International Business at the University of Guadalajara. Its ISSN number is 1665-7039.

Since 2015, it has been published online, expecting electronic media's visibility to maximise the scientific consolidation achieved in its twenty years of existence. From January 2022, it will be published quarterly in English.

Mercados y Negocios does not charge authors submission or article publication fees (No APC—Article Processing Charges) and accepts papers in English.