Estructura areográfica y efectos del cambio de uso de suelo en especies endémicas de la Faja Volcánica Transmexicana
Areografía de especies de la Faja Volcánica Transmexicana
The studies about the geographic distribution areas (GDA) provide information on how species are established in space and time, and the effects of land use change on geographic patterns of the biodiversity. In the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TVB) biogeographic province inhabits a high number of endemic species; however, it has high deforestation rates. In this manuscript: (a) the historical GDA of 167 endemic species of amphibians, birds, insects, mammals and plants of the TVB are quantitatively and qualitatively described, and (b) we analyze the effect of the change in the current land use in those geographic distributions. In general, the class Mammalia had the largest occupied surfaces; the highest average of the three magnitudes and mainly of continental distribution. On the other hand, most of the species were transitional and discontinuous. Considering the land use change, 85% of the species had changes in their historical GDA; two thirds of them with a loss greater than 50%. The taxonomic groups most affected due to total loss of its historical ADG were Insecta and Amphibia. Most of the species occupied higher altitudes and, therefore, these altitudinal ranges had the greatest loss of surface area between 1,500 and 3,000 masl. The variability in the distributional behavior of the species suggests internal and differentiated patterns into the FVT, and greater biological, geological and evolutionary complexity than expected, with multiple relationships of the FVT with the adjacent provinces. The areographic studies could constitute a starting point for the preservation of non-transformed areas that fulfills the objective of preventing the possible extirpation of the species.References
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