Sumak Mama, historias de vida: Fotografía de retrato para concientizar sobre la cultura de la rehabilitación postquimio en mujeres que han padecido cáncer de mama
Cancer, womens health, graphic design, photography, cultural exhibitionsAbstract
This research focuses on the analysis of breast cancer and its relationship with the physical and psychological aftermath that affect female identity and the self-concept of survivors, causing emotional exhaustion and a possible identity crisis. In Peru, there were 6,985 new cases of breast cancer reported, of which 1,858 were lethal and 5,127 were able to recover (INEN, 2019). Because of this, the following question was formulated: What happens after winning the battle against breast cancer? In response to the identified problem, the project "Sumak Mama, life stories" is born, a design and photography project that seeks to raise awareness about the physical and psychological sequels of mammary oncological treatment based on the testimonies of patients and survivors. Through the use of photographic portraits, the project aims to communicate to the survivors the importance of undergoing psychological therapy to accompany their physical recovery, and to promote disease prevention, as well as respect for patients by sharing their experiences and the inspiring process to overcome this condition. In this context, the project showed the need to create spaces dedicated to highliting issues related to health that promote dialogue and aspects that could improve the quality of life of those affected. Likewise, it demonstrated the importance for breast cancer survivors and patients to have support from family and their community environment to achieve comprehensive rehabilitation.Downloads
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