El concepto de felicidad desde el taller de diseño básico
Composición visual, conceptualización, diseño básico, felicidadAbstract
The evaluation of eighteen two-dimensional compositions that conceptualized the theme of happiness, made in the basic design workshop in the autumn period of 2021 in the graphic design degree of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, is presented. The choice of topic arose from the lack of enthusiasm and happiness that students experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The basic design workshop was promulgated as a space in which students seek satisfaction, interest, and happiness with their processes and results. The theoretical bases included the conceptualization of happiness; shape, color and composition from basic design theory. And the models of evaluation and categorization of emotions by Watson and Tellegen (1985) & Browne (1992) and by Díaz & Flores (2001). A mixed approach with a qualitative phase was used in the visual construction of the concept of happiness and the obtaining of eighteen two-dimensional compositions. The quantitative phase used the online survey with a convenience sample of 215 respondents who evaluated the concepts of satisfaction, happiness and well-being, using the Likert scale. When evaluating the visual preference and greater association of the concepts in the visual compositions, one of the eighteen compositions obtained the greater association in the three concepts: satisfaction, joy and well-being, establishing relationships of visual syntax in the use of form, color and composition, as well as in the conceptualization of happiness by the respondents and graphic design students.Downloads
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