Multidisciplinariedad en el entorno universitario: Caminar en la innovación educativa


  • Español Español
  • Español Español





The relevant aspects within the educational models in the university environment is multidisciplinarity, this aspect provides an enriching experience to the student, facilitating the development of their skills and providing real situations that will help them make decisions in their working life. This study aims to expose the importance and the challenge that a multidisciplinary experience can generate within university careers, giving way to educational innovation, supported by the Design Thinking Quick model (Lomas, 2021), it is possible to overcome the different problems that may arise in an educational environment where structural factors such as educational programs that do not contemplate real experiences and infrastructures as basic as distances, schedules and availability of teachers and students, provoke a complex process within multidisciplinary experiences. The purpose of this analysis is to share the problems and solutions through the findings found within two disciplines of design. Despite the work done, this article wants to show the effort and improvement that must always be considered and this article is a starting point to continue with the intentions of real and multidisciplinary projects in vocational training.

Author Biographies

Español, Español

He studied a degree in Graphic Design at the University of Monterrey. In 2008 she obtained a master's degree in Design and Art Direction at the Elisava Design School from Pompeu Fabra University, in Barcelona, ​​and in 2014 she obtained her master's degree in Graphic Design at the Faculty of Visual Arts. By 2021 he obtained his doctorate in Philosophy with an emphasis on Cultural Studies, after investigating how to apply the Design Thinking process in Design Agencies in Monterrey and deepening how culture influences the way in which problems are solved. She has collaborated with the companies Pull & Bear, in Ireland, and Mango, in Barcelona. She has also carried out projects for the Jaguar, Tecate and Morama brands, among others. In the Innovation class, of the degree in Graphic Design of the Faculty of Visual Arts, he has participated since teaching, together with his students, in the creation of social innovation projects that contribute to solving the problems of graphic communication that the People with disabilities. He is currently dedicated to teaching and research.

Español, Español

994 / 5000   Resultados de traducción Professor at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Public Accounting and Administration, Graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design from the Faculty of Architecture. Master in Marketing and International Trade from the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, she is currently a PhD student in Labor and Organizational Psychology at the UANL Faculty of Psychology where she develops her doctoral thesis on the topic of Development of the Emotional Coefficient of university students in the design area. industrial for entrepreneurship, Managing links with the Faculty of Administration and Public Accounting and the Faculty of Visual Arts in addition to obtaining design awards for Diseña México and Tiger Tank to promote entrepreneurship in young university students. She has more than 10 years of experience in the area of ​​entrepreneurship, currently her company is dedicated to business consulting and entrepreneurship in young people.


2022-10-01 — Updated on 2023-07-26


How to Cite

Español, J. E., & Español, L. I. (2023). Multidisciplinariedad en el entorno universitario: Caminar en la innovación educativa. Zincografia, 6(12). (Original work published October 1, 2022)


