Autofiction and Decandence: A Dialogue with Japanese Buraiha School, in “Manos de diamante” by Andrés Felipe Solano


  • María Claudia Macías Seoul National University
  • Gerardo Gómez Michel Busan University of Foreign Studies



Buraiha, decadence, autofiction, reader-writer pact, self-disintegration


This article examines the short story “Manos de diamante” by Andrés Felipe Solano, pointing out the dialogue constructed between an autobiographical narrator and the concept of decadence of the Japanese school of the buraiha, which constitute a oneself-writing in confrontation with the modernity signs of our time. First, the trajectory and historical context of the buraiha writers are reviewed to understand, in a second moment, how the Colombian author configures an unstable reader-writer pact in the story that moves between a buraiha-style fiction and the chronicle of the author-narrator’s existential drift. Finally, it is ex-posed how these elements of the autofiction genre allow the story to reveal the self-disintegration and the loss of identity in our present times.


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Author Biography

María Claudia Macías, Seoul National University

Literatura. Crítica Literaria Hispanoamericana


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2021-12-14 — Updated on 2022-01-24
