The Great War 1914-1918: Signi?cant Actions in the Ibero-American Scenario of the Paci?c Ocean


  • Carlos Puente Martín International Business School



German Far East Squadron, battle of Coronel, battle of the Malvinas, Zimmermann telegram, Francisco León de la Barra


The Great War although initially confronted European powers, had a world stage and had an early incident in Africa and it reached also the Pacific Ocean. A methodology based on original documentary sources and, when that is impossible, I have use works of reliable authors or information that testifies evidence, and it has been possible to analyze the role played by two Latin-American countries of the Pacific Ocean despite being neutral: Chile and Mexico. The first one happens during the sea battle in front of the port of Coronel between the German fleet and the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom in Chilean territorial waters. Mexico played a very important role passively by remaining neutral with respect to Germany and the United States. The importance of the article is based on examining several very little-known events that occurred in the Pacific Ocean during World War I and the role played by these two Latin-American nations.


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Author Biography

Carlos Puente Martín, International Business School

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas, Abogado y Politólogo español. Fue Agregado comercial en la embajada de España en Moscú y, después, funcionario en la Dirección General de Relaciones Exteriores de la Comisión Europea en Bruselas. Actualmente es profesor invitado y conferenciante, especializado en países de Europa Central y Oriental.


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2021-04-29 — Updated on 2021-08-13
