Electronic Commerce in China and Mexico: Emergence, Evolution and Perspectives





electronic commerce, transactions, digital economy, consumption, economics agents


 This article analyzes the appearance in the world of electronic commerce, emphasizing the cases of China and Mexico countries that have implemented a series of actions, strategies, programs, and even plans to encourage the use of electronic media and digital in the transactions of economic agents. The findings suggest that China has become a leading country in the use of electronic commerce, thanks to the clear vision it has, particularly in the 21st century, while Mexico presents less progress. However, in recent years it has stimulated the transition from consumption to electronic mode. The article concludes that both countries must intensify their electronic commerce, to transition to the economy of online shopping definitively.


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Author Biography

Juan González García, Universidad de Colima

Economía de Asia Pacífico. Estudios de desarrollo Económico Comparado México-China.



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