The change in the Japanese monetary system and the Mexican peso in a ?le of the National Historical Archive of Spain of 1871




currency, mexican peso, monetary policy, asian trade, Japan


This article examines the important Japanese mo-netary reform of the year 1871, for which Japan was endowed with a currency according to Western models. This reform, based on the gold standard, could not be alien to the current trade flows in Asia and the Pacific area, based on the silver coin and especially in the Mexican peso, so it retained the emissions of yen milled in silver for the commerce with the foreign powers. This study incorporates a document preserved in the Archivo Histórico Nacional of Madrid, which shows the importance that in the trade had the Mexican currency of silver.


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Author Biography

Pedro Damián Cano Borrego, Investigador Independiente

Doctoren Historia y Arqueología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Licenciado en Derecho.Diplomado en Dirección Administrativo-Contable.

