Mexico and South Korea: The Participatory Approach in the Field of International Development Cooperation


  • Sanghee Jung Keimyung University, Dept. of Spanish and Latin American Studies



Mexico, South Korea, International Development Cooperation, Participatory approach, Cooperative relationships


This research analyzes practical approaches to enhancing the partnership between South Korea and Mexico, by focusing on a participatory approach that is regarded as an important component in development cooperation. In this regard, the objective of this research is to establish a new method of cooperation between South Korea and Mexico, based on a participatory approach newly discussed in the evolving development cooperation system. Finally, based on the participatory approach as a strategy for cooperation between South Korea and Mexico, the research suggested joint training programs to expand existing partnerships in the first stage, joint support to programs promoted by both countries in the framework of bilateral cooperation in the second stage, and further financial support by allocating funding in the third stage. 


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