Collective Defined Contribution Schemes as an Alternative to Pension Plans
pensions, collective defined contribution, financial viability, actuarial viabilityAbstract
Traditional pension plans, such as defined contribution and defined benefit, face several risks: being the most known, the increase of life expectancy. To reduce this risk, many hybrid pension plans have been proposed, to mitigate this risk. The objective of this study is to explore the financial and actuarial sustainability of a hybrid pension plan known as collective defined contribution (CDC) by accumulating a pension fund with the methodology found in Aon (2020). The results of the simulations in this study show that the replacement rate defined in the design of a CDC pension plan is reached by all the members of the plan. Moreover, through the same pension fund, deficits and gains are financed by it.References
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Mercados y Negocios by Department of Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales. University of Guadalajara is licensed under a License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.
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