n this contribution the subgenera Cymindidius Chaudoir, 1876 and Cobosia Mateu, 1955 that belong to the genus Mimodromius Chaudoir, 1873 are considered synonymous because ther characters proposed to diferenciate them are present in both subgenera. Type species of both subgenera a for first time designated here. A new key of subgenera of Mimodromius and Cymindidius subgenus are provide. We present a redescription of external morphology of all the known species and Mimodromius (Cymindidius) juanjosei sp. nov, is describe as new. We provide ilustrations of the principal external charactes of species and a complete list of known localities and maps of distribuction. The distribution of the genus Mimodromius is according with the South American Transicional Zone. A panbiogeographic analysis at subgenera reveal the prescence of two main generalizated tracks both related with the Andes mountains, one principally in the oriental slope and the other in the occidental.References
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