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Media literacy of subinformation: Experiences from Asia


  • Sonia Evangelina Alcántar Jaime Universidad Autónoma de Baja California



subinformation, press, China, Hong Kong, Asia


The objective of this article is to expose general suggestions in media literacy about the subinfor-mative processes, taking as example the relation-ship between sub-information and public opinion regarding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region pro-democratic protests and the People’s Republic of China. In this document, subinforma-tion is understood to mean, unlike misinformation, the conceals of essential data in news published by the press, which makes even more difficult to build a complete picture of a public problem. Through fieldwork, in-depth interviews, and content analysis on the most influential news headlines in China and Hong Kong, this document concludes that subinformation has a greater presence than disin-formation in the practice of journalistic practice, beyond journalistic culture.


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